Adjunct Therapy for Chronic Pain and Illness in Atlanta, Georgia

Adjunct therapy for chronic pain and illness is simply therapy sessions with a chronic pain specialist in addition to your current therapy. If you love working with your current therapist for your weekly sessions, Destiny can work with you alongside your therapist in effort to reduce body fear and sensations if you live with chronic pain and illness.

Individual Therapy Work

We can meet once a month or once a quarter in addition to your current therapy sessions. I offer 2-hour intensive sessions for chronic pain management from a mind-body perspective.

Learn more here.

Group Therapy Work

Running a group therapy program relies on at least 6 participants to regularly show up to group sessions. To express interest in group therapy for yourself or a client, please click below.

Monthly Group Workshops

I host monthly workshops to help provide education around how the body reacts and responds to living with chronic pain and illness. These workshops are live and interactive, giving you a chance to connect with other folks and ask me questions. These workshops are not therapy, and they’re open to anyone in any state or country.


  • For individual adjunct therapy, 2-hour sessions are $375.

    Group therapy is $325 per month for 3 group meetings (we take one week off each month).

    3-day intensive pricing can be found here.

  • Booking a consultation call is the best way to determine which service is best for you. In our call, we can discuss your needs, your past and current therapy experiences, financial need, and al the different options that are available to you. Getting on a call is the best way to verbally process and reduce decision fatigue before making a decision or proving this information to a client if you’re a therapist.

  • Superbills can be provided for out-of-network benefits. Insurance typically only covers 1 hour of therapy per day.